
BIOTE(A)CH will use design thinking in the HE course curriculum. Design thinking is a new interdisciplinary approach that links activities in various fields to the industrial world. Universities also started to use this approach in their course delivery designs. It is a problem-solving approach that teams use to understand and redefine problems, challenge assumptions and create innovative solutions to prototype and test. Accordingly, it consists of 5 stages: namely empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test. In the HE course curriculum, BIOTE(A)CH brings together "design thinking" and "flipped learning" within the "biotechnology domain".

Video Tutorials

Video tutorials will include two different types.
1- Explanations by experts (Duration: At most 5 minutes)
2- Animated videos (Duration: At most 5 minutes)
In this respect, the video presentations will address many academicians who are involved in the biotechnology domain in an interdisciplinary way and also increase the quality of teaching through flipped learning.
Video tutorials will provide independent time for students so they will be able to watch them when they want, stop for breaks and repeat sections as needed. They will increase engagement and participation and allow maximized retention.

Lecturer's Handbook

The Lecturer's guide will extend and develop the competencies of educators and those in important supporting roles in key areas (such as their depth and breadth of knowledge about mutagenesis, polyploidy, RNA interference, transgenics, and genome editing) in order to enable the scaling up of the take-up and benefits of this form of higher education.

The success stories booklet will include the "story" of 10 European businesses in the field of Agro-Biotech, respectively 2 Turkish, 2 Italian, 2 Croatian, 2 Greek and 2 Slovenian stories to be an inspiration for students


Articles will include state-of-the-art about biotechnology and bio-economy. The information to be shared will cover how biotechnology served environmental protection so far giving eye-catching examples. They will cover the topics directly related to agricultural biotechnology, molecular biology, bio-catalysts, eco-remediation, fermentation technology and microtechnology applications. The articles will project the results of the diversifying research work of the partners in agricultural biotechnology.

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